Save some cash and buy used!
If you aren’t in the market for brand new office furniture, don’t worry. We understand budgets don’t always allow for the latest and greatest. Surgarman Office Furniture has over 11,000 of gently used to almost new furniture. Our warehouse has everything from reception and conference room seating and tables, executive chairs, lamps, filing cabinets (metal and wood), bookcase, metal and wood executive desks, couches, TVs and much much more.
If you’re in the market for something used, stop in to our warehouse or call Chuck to see if we have what you’re looking for.
We also buy used office furniture!
Are you upgrading your office furniture, closing down your company or just have some extra furniture sitting around that you want to get rid of? Hotels, medical offices, executive suites, educational institutional facilities, nothing is too big or small for us. We are always looking for gently used furniture to buy for our used warehouse, give us a call!